Pay it Forward

Numerous students who have, had & are attending a PickOne workshop have commented - more so, since we have come out of lockdown in 2020 - that the experience of weaving has helped build community as well as helped with other issues that they may be experiencing. It is our intention that through setting up the PickOne Pay it Forward fund that others may experience the value of community through weaving from the PickOne studios as well as to assist with general wellbeing.

How does it work?

The fund will pay 50% towards taking part in either the day time class on a Monday afternoon or one of the two evening classes hosted on a Tuesday and Thursday evening.

Our normal Terms & Conditions will apply to any booking made using the fund.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to anyone who may be experiencing difficulties in their lives and feel the need to take part in an activity that could offer them relief and a temporary escape. These difficulties could be financial, bereavement, loneliness or any range of mental health issues etc … there will be no judgement or questions as to why one wishes to access this fund.

How do I apply?

There is no application form, simply e-mail us and ask. Once it has been confirmed that one can access the fund, you will be asked to pay the remaining fee by bank transfer. 

Carers looking for additional funding may be interested in exploring the following website for further assistance -

How can I pay it forward?

The existing balance of the fund has been secured from current students, fellow makers and through the sale of specific items at direct selling events that I participate in. If you would like to donate to this fund please use the donation section on this page or get in touch directly and we can discuss other ways you can donate, which may not be financial, but may be in the form of dedicated equipment for users.

You can also donate using the Buy Me A Coffee platform using the following link - or by scanning the following QR code below.

Thank you in advance.

As of 29/12/24 the PickOne
Pay it Forward Fund has:
