Weave Video Workshops

Exclusive video course access after your course

Signing up to either of our weave classes grants access to exclusive video lessons featuring recaps of each stage of the weaving process that were covered in your physical workshops, allowing you to continue your study after the classes or refresh your memory as you practise your new skills.

After the completion of your physical course you will be given access to the full video course library, which you can watch as many times as you like.

The videos cover:

  1. Warp preparation

  2. Moving the warp from mill to loom

  3. Using a raddle

  4. Stretching & winding the warp

  5. Threading the heddles

  6. Threading the reed

  7. Tying on the warp & weaving

  8. Correcting errors - part 1

  9. Correcting errors - part 2

  10. Weaving your cloth

  11. Making a hemming stitch & other techniques

  12. Measuring as you go & finishing off

  13. Cutting off your fabric

  14. Finishing off